The winter volunteer season in Upper Reelig Community Wood, managed by Kirkhill and Bunchrew Community Trust, was really successful this year and continued to improve access and amenity in this popular woodland including the installation of a balance trail.
Around 30 volunteers met over the winter on Saturdays and weekdays to carry out a variety of work. This included path maintenance, cutting and removing wind blown timber, thinning beech trees and removing non-native trees.

The highlight was the installation of a simple balance trail in the Douglas Fir plantation. This gives old and young alike the opportunity to get off the main path, test their balance and pause to enjoy the wind in the trees. You can find it by going to the upper carpark, taking the path directly ahead through the timber stacks and taking a left turn. Follow the path and you’ll find the trail on your left.
Group members also took part in wood and path-related activities in Newtonhill Woods, on the path between Inchmore and Easter Moniack, and in the Community Park at Kirkhill.

Sadly, this year we lost one of the stalwarts of the Woodland Group with the death of Tom Paterson in early May. Tom had been a member of the group for over 10 years and for many years was our trained chainsaw operator. Happy to work in all weathers, he took a particular delight in heaving around large and awkward logs, and led the way in splitting chunks of wood that most of the group were happy to leave for another day. Tom made a significant contribution and he will be missed.